Types and Technology
With multiple setups and checkout options that can accommodate a variety of space requirements, we give guests something to smile about. Here are the different types of markets and the technology that powers them.
Perfect for locations with populations of 200 or more, this is our full build-out market solution, equipped with a payment kiosk that accepts credit cards, mobile wallet, thumbprints, cash to account or our Connect and Pay® app.
This market solution brings the same great service to offices, schools, and more. Designed for populations of 100-200, tablet solutions accept credit card payments plus mobile accounts via our Connect and Pay® app.
This compact market solution is perfect for populations of 25-100 and can be installed against a wall or on a countertop. Fun fact: there’s no payment kiosk here. To check out, guests simply use the Connect and Pay® app.
Smart Market
Our controlled-access doors on this market are perfect for public spaces. And, the extra security gives you peace of mind guests get what they want when they want it.
It's Easy to Get Started
Let us know you're ready to
provide the best break possible
by completing our online form.
We’ll meet with you to review your service needs, space requirements,
and develop a plan for you.
We’ll agree on what happens
next and when.