Break for It! Technology in the Office

A group of Canteen employees

A breakroom is so much more than a place for associates to take a break; it’s also a destination to get away from the desk for a while, collaborate with colleagues, and brainstorm. With more than one purpose, make sure your break area is tech ready to serve everyone’s needs:

lighting boltCharging stations – Are there enough plugs and spare cords for people to plug in and connect?

A grey computer silhouetteDigital signage – Make company announcements and engage with your team.

Know when to go analog – Sometimes people are at Pen logotheir best with pen and paper. Make sure there are plenty of sticky notes, paper and writing utensils available. You never know when inspiration will strike!

Try going high tech with your food offerings too! From coffee machines, to water coolers, and even trendy snacks, we can bring both innovation and technology to you.

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