National Coffee Day banner

National Coffee Day: The History & How to Celebrate at Work

Lincoln’s profile on the copper penny; Mt. Rushmore; Lady Liberty raising her torch. These emblems of American Democracy are known all over the world. But this month is National Coffee Day. If we’re being serious (and we should always be serious about coffee), it’s time for coffee to take a more visible role in the…

The Benefits of Breakroom Design

The Benefits of Breakroom Design: Why Décor Makes a Difference

So, it’s time to rethink your office breakroom design. Give it a little facelift with some fresh décor. Definitely not an easy task you can flip in a day, but we’ve got some tips to help you along the way. And when it’s all said and done, it’ll definitely pay off. In fact, breakroom design…

Healthy Vending Snacks

Healthy Vending Snacks: Create A Culture Of Wellness

Once upon a time in the workplace, things were… let’s just say a little less healthy than they are today. If we look way-way back through the haze of the smoke break, we see an employee “lounge” stocked with sticky sweets, old school chips, and quarter-full carafes of antique coffee. Your only options were quick…

breaks image of coffee mug

The Importance of Breaks: 4 Tips to Take a Mental & Physical Breather

Taking a break is more important than you might think, and we’ve got the facts!

grab and go for a better work/life balance

5 Tips to Boost Office Sustainability and Recruiting Success

There are a lot of great companies out there (including yours of course), all competing in the same talent pool. That makes for a big struggle to meet your recruiting goals to add new team members and keep them long-term. So, how do you compete? You might already have your master recruitment plan all mapped…

grab and go for a better work/life balance

Grab and Go For a Better Work/Life Balance

Do you ever think that the person who decided this whole 24 hours a day inside a seven day week really undershot it? We all wish that we had a few extra hours in the day and maybe a longer weekend to do everything we enjoy. For many of us though, work takes up a…

sustainability at work

Sustainability at Work: Our Coffee & Pantry Teams Pitch In

  Across the country, we have seen more and more of our office coffee and pantry clients focus on sustainable practices and the importance of going green in the workplace. What a great thing to strive for – helping the environment! To help with their sustainability endeavors, our teams across the nation pitched in to…

5 Easy Steps to Pick the Best Office Snacks

How to Pick the Best Office Snacks

  So, your manager asked you to pick out some snacks for the office breakroom. Whether your team is large or small, trying to choose things that’ll make everyone happy can be a daunting task.  How do you get started? Here are 5 steps to make sure you pick the best office snacks: It doesn’t…

a picture of Tammy Stokes from Canteen Vending

Meet the Manager: Tammy Stokes

As a former coach, Tammy is someone who knows the importance of working together to reach one goal, and we’re glad she’s a part of our team! Here’s what she had to say about her experience with us: “I am starting my 5th year with Canteen as the Regional Director supporting the office coffee business…

picture of John Hynes

Behind the Scenes: Meet John Hynes

Curious to meet the man behind the coffee? From Route Driver to Customer Service Manager for our office coffee services (OCS) in Indiana, meet John Hynes. John is an example of hard work, dedication, and outstanding customer service. He started his career over six years ago as a driver at his local vending branch. “At…


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